Last night after I'd ate dinner out with friends and family then came home and parked my bike in the garage, I sat down and wrote. I wanted to write about my past week and such, so I did.
Two years ago today I left my American home and moved into a brand new one 6000 miles across the ocean.
Thanks to millions of people, it's been an absolutely amazing experience. Really hard and quite different, but God has blessed me so much.
Happy two years Suzhou, China.
On another note...
This past week we had a holiday. The
October holiday. We decided to spend it someplace other than home so we packed our suitcases and went to Shanghai. We camped out at my uncle and aunt's house and spent our days revisiting favorites places. The first day we shopped at the fake market. It's always fun bargaining, and most of the people there know us from previous visits so they usually know what price we end up getting. *wink wink*
I bought a new scarf that I'm pretty psyched about wearing... and a pair of ray-bans. I mean for a buck fifty
you can afford getting a new pair each time you go.
I also found gray nail polish that I was pretty excited about but it ended up being truly fake. It was literally like mud.
Other then that I drank a vanilla latte and saw a totally charming man in green shorts buying a subway ticket.
I was also lucky enough to spend the entire day (and week) with my fantastic family. Rachael being one of them. Aren't I blessed?
That night we ate dinner at a Mexican restaurant (I miss eating Mexican food so much when I'm in China!) and talked and laughed plenty.
The other full day we had we went to the old part of Shanghai. I love that place so much and with the weather we had that day it was
too perfect. For me it's the kind of place that I get homesick for even though I've never lived there. I've just visited countless times and it's stuck in my mind and clings to my heart.
The first place we stopped at was the French Concession.
We stopped at several bakeries in the first hour. The first one to eat bread, almond croissants and to take a sip of a cappuccino, the second one to eat a yummy lunch. And it
was yummy. We even met up with some lovely, lady friends from Suzhou!
This was the kind of day where we walked everywhere. Like I said on Facebook, "
such a long day... but long in a really good way."
The four sisters. From left to right: Me, Bethy, Becca and Rachael. Aren't they adorable? |
After lunch and more walking we drove over to another spot called Tian Zi Fang, (another crazy, nice place) where there are tons of little shops. Leather shops, cafes, art galleries and about a thousand, Chinese people filing through the small streets, also on their holiday. It's a good kind of crowded though, and crowded means it must be a loved place so... yes, I enjoyed it a whole lot.
After a while several of us decided we really needed a Coco (pearl milk tea) and we succeeded in finding someone who had one of them and proceeded to ask them where the Coco shop was. We found it and we were happy. One of our special Chinese friends came to Shanghai for the day to be with us and she made it a lot of fun. She's the kind of girl that is happy doing whatever and makes for a very entertaining and fun day.
Two of my favorite people. |
As the light faded we walked down one last street and I actually found a dress to try on... I didn't buy it but I'm getting an idea of what I want for the Winter Formal. (<--Another post). :D
Yes I had a wonderful day. Yeah I had a really good week. Yep I'm busy (yes) and happy (way) but most of all I'm missing my sister Rachael who jumped on an airplane this morning to fly home.
Walking down the street all linked together.
All photos by Elisabeth Jones. |
I'll write again soon. Sometimes it's just really hard to get it all down and to make it sound like you want it to you know?
"Those days we were covered in blue skies."
Love you.
p.s. My brother and I recorded one of my songs at a friends, small studio here in Suzhou. I'm really excited to say the least. <3